Tuesday, November 6, 2007

3D Internet, the way of the future?

What is the evolution of the Internet?

I have been pondering this question for some time now since I started posting on Blogtropia. While I see many people joining websites like MySpace and Facebook I can't help but think those 2D sites are just one step away from creating a 3D virtual self. Are MMOs like Second Life and Entropia Universe on the cusp of something huge?

MindArk is partnering with CRD(Chinese Cyber Recreational Development Corp.) on a very ambitious 3D project which looks to me like a stab at making a 3D Internet a reality. Second Life already boasts having real world corporations present in its virtual world. I think its only a matter of time before the walls come down and your avatar will move about from world to world as freely as people visit different websites today.

There are many obstacles to hurdle on this Internet evolution but I can envision the benefits in bridging my real world career with a virtual one. I am a Designer/Drafter and I work mainly with 3D CAD (computer aided design) software. I can see the benefits of forgoing a world wide conference call and having the Engineer (China), Designer(South West USA), Marketing (North East USA), customer (Europe), and Manufacturing plant (Australia) all signing into a 3D environment to fit test and modify certain R&D projects on the spot and in real time in 3D. Talk about cutting costs when all affected parties have an immediate say on a project rather than waiting for emails and conference calls and red lines to be interpreted.

As bandwidth increases and more computers are capable of generating decent 3D graphics I think its only a matter of time before a 3D Internet weasels its way into our lives just like the current Internet already has.

Think about how this would impact your job, entertainment, and life. Computers and T.V.s are slowly becoming one, everyone is tapped into there mobile this and that, smart homes are not a thing of the future, the 2D Internet and 3D virtual worlds cannot be far behind in some form or fashion.
What do you think the internet will evolve into?

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Version Update 9.0: The Emotional Roller-coaster

Everyone get your tickets and line up you are about to be subjected to the thrill ride of the year and we like to call it......

Version Update 9.0.

Ladies and Gentlemen before we start our ascent on this emotional roller coaster please take your seats and lock yourselves in and take a look at some previews of things to come.
Preview I
Preview II
The "OOOOOs and AHHHHHs" abound. Of course there are some mutterings of dislike and uneasiness but its too late now we are all locked in and nearing the drop.

Everybody raise your hands and scream!!!!!! its October 9th and the Version Update 9.0 is finally applied.

"Ahhhhhh! weeeee! O-my! Get me off this crazy ride! More decay! more armor parts! systems are revamped! avatar creation skewed! Ohhhh no whats next?!"

I guess that is how a great deal of us felt after the VU9.0 was released. The "previews" had most of us looking forward to what implementations the MindArk development team envisioned. Unfortunately the added decay and search for a new armor part left many feeling out of sorts with the new VU and it overshadowed any new design and graphics changes implemented by the MindArk Development team. It also brought to life a black hole in the way MindArk communicates with participants. Its always been an issue with long term players that MindArk just quite doesn't get there with communication and this VU solidified that issue whether you were a veteran of Project Entropia/Entropia Universe or brand spanking new. I think most of us just want and open dialogue with MindArk and some reasoning behind implementations whether they be good or bad. Simply dropping huge changes with little or no reason and no open dialogue is costing MindArk customers. Entropia Universe is growing and as it grows and the participants adapt to the changes I think the MindArk needs to take a look at their "Adapt or Die" approach and learn from it or some other MMO RCE developer will.

Ahhhhh now back to the ride "weeeeeeeeeee ahhhhhhh!"

Needless to say the search for new foot guards kept the majority of people with now incomplete armors sets busy looking for compatible armor parts. The added decay to equip clothing and armor which was of great contention and "the straw that broke the camel's back" for many a player was revised by MindArk and lessened but not totally done away with. Many reasons were given as to why these changes needed to be in place but somehow "a little to late" kept popping into my head when I saw MindArk trying to quell the community uproar.

"Whoosh!" around a turn we go mini updates are flying left and right, people are disenchanted and vowing to never come back, MindArk Support is trying to calm the crowd..................then suddenly a strange note appears, then a statue, the a black pulsating orb and the ride slows a bit.

Its an bird, its a plane, or is it just an interactive advertisement like the one I just saw on CSI: New York featuring a Second Life mystery? Ahhhh.......... the Egg and the emotional roller coaster continues.

Evolution of an Avatar in armor pre VU9.0/post VU9.0/after the mini updates:

Without all the other implementations, looking at the previews and my avatar in armor after the VU9.0, I have to say I am pleased with the results except I can't wear my sunglasses under my helmet anymore. I like the armor updates and I think as time goes by and the other graphics improve Entropia Universe will finally evolve in to a much cleaner looking and hopefully smoother running MMO. Its hard to say what the new CryEngine will do to the Entropia Universe when its implemented but hopefully MindArk will finally realize having an open and honest dialogue with the community who supports their jobs will be paramount from now on or we will all be in store for another emotional roller coaster when VU9.1 rolls around.

I can't say I am totally happy about all the changes implemented in VU9.0 but there have been many Version Updates in the past where I had the same concerns and I am still here plugging away trying to make the best of it. I just hope my concerns and those of the community are not falling on deaf ears that would be a shame since I think Entropia Universe has the potential to become an awesome MMO so long as MindArk doesn't overlook those who stuck by them through thick and thin.

Whoosh! now back to the ride where will it take us? Its anybodies guess.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Operation MindArk: Revolution Calling

For a price Id do about anything
Except pull the trigger

For that Id need a pretty good cause
Then I heard of Marco. X
The man with the cure
Just watch the EBN
Yeah, you'll see there's something going on

Got no love for politicians
Or that crazy scene in P.A.
its just a power mad town
But the time is ripe for changes
There's a growing fear
That taking a chance on a new kind of vision is due

I used to trust the media
To tell me the truth, tell us the truth
But now Ive seen the payoffs
Everywhere I look
Who do you trust when every ones a crook?

Revolution calling
Revolution calling
Revolution calling you
[there's a] revolution calling
Revolution calling
Gotta make a change
Gotta push, gotta push it on through

I'm tired of all this bullshit
They keep selling me on EBN
About the CRD plan
And all the shady resellers
Begging for my cash
Swiss bank accounts while giving the
community the slam

They're all in the TV interviews now
Or The Entropian magazine, million dollar stories to tell
I guess Warhol wasn't wrong
Fame fifteen minutes long
Every ones using everybody, making the sale

I used to think
That only Entopria's way, way was right
But now the holy PED rules everybody's lives
Gotta make a million doesn't matter who dies

Revolution calling
Revolution calling
Revolution calling you
[there's a] revolution calling
Revolution calling
Gotta make a change
Gotta push, gotta push it on through

I used to trust the media
To tell me the truth, tell us the truth
But now Ive seen the payoffs
Everywhere I look
Who do you trust when every ones a crook?

Revolution calling
Revolution calling
Revolution calling you
[there's a] revolution calling
Revolution calling
Gotta make a change
Gotta push, gotta push it on through

Base Lyrics by Queensryche from the best CD ever, Operation Mindcrime modified and dedicated especially for Entropia Universe Version Update 9.0